Monday, February 08, 2010

Prayer - Counting the Cost

2. Pray that we will know the peace of God as we count the cost of discipleship in all humility.

“We understand that this commitment exacts a cost – and we purpose to bear it, by the grace of God. We will ready ourselves for suffering. We will turn away from costly comforts, a larger income, material possessions, and places of personal privilege or honor. We will choose instead to embrace the way of poverty, loss, suffering, and humiliation – whatever it takes to bring the Gospel of Jesus to as many people as possible.
“An underlying principle of life and fruitfulness in the Spirit is the way of the Cross. As the Savior poured out his soul unto death as an offering for sin, so his disciple—indwelt by his Spirit—is likewise poured out in self-giving, sacrifice, and loving service that others might know and believe in him as their Redeemer and Lord.”


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