Brief Summary: Moving!!! Daddy's in seminary, I've had surgery, the family is together, and God is working.PRAISE THE LORD! I have no complaints with how life is going, and I am ashamed as to why I ever doubt the Lord's provision and guidance. Though uncertainty still clouds my vision, my confidence in HIS leading has grown.
FAMILY: Big Changes.
My daddy has decided to attend AFLTS here in MN. He, Mama, and Johnny (brother, 17) drove out at the end of July. Who would've thought that this was in the plan of the Almighty? Just after I had made the last post, I got a call from my parents informing me of their plan to come to the seminary. The next day, they called and asked if I would like to move into the third bedroom in the seminary housing! Many prayers have been answered. I not only have my family near me daily after three years of being away, but I have a place to live at minimal expense. I'm going to miss my dear house and roommates of this past year, but it's a wonderful opportunity that I must not pass up. It's going to be such a fun time to live with my brother as he finishes his last year of high school and as he anticipates spending two years at AFLBS here on the same campus where I was for two years. Incredible!
As some of you know, I'm in recovery from knee surgery. I had open patella realignment. They went in with a scope on the outside of my left knee, and made about a 5'' incision. They loosened outside ligaments and tightened inside ones. Thanks to prayer and support, I am having a speedy recovery, and I feel great! I am confident that the Lord provided Dr. Arendt, who happened to be a leading specialist in patella realignment, as a tool to heal me. They plan to do the right knee in six months to a year.
My sister Esther was planning a trip out to MN, and ironically, she dislocated her left knee at work just before she came out. It was quite a humorous sight having both of us hobbling around in immobilizers. She's moved into the house my parents left in California, and she is still working security and going to school at APU.
My other sister Mary and my niece Lily surprised us with a visit this week. It's wonderful having the whole family together, but we miss Joe. Joe, 7 month pregnant Mary, and Lily are living in Ohio now while Joe is doing his seminary internship this year.
TRAINING & WORK: Pressing on.
Obviously from the above, I'm learning that though I plan constantly, I must be open to the Holy Spirit's leading. I plan to graduate from NWC in the spring and attend GIAL in the fall of 2007. I am still uncertain as to which mission organization to join, so it's hard to know what step to take next. Applications are in my hands waiting to be filled out. I trust that all will fall into place according to God's plan in HIS timing, but patience is hard to come by.
Due to my surgery, I am still not working. I miss waitressing and and being a nanny desperately, but it is nice to have a break. I hope to return to work within a few weeks, Lord willing.