Saturday, December 31, 2005


Wow! It has been three weeks since my last blog. My apologies. Finals finished, and I got on the plane on the 16th. I've been in California for about 2 weeks, and have one more week to go. Christmas and family visits went by fast. Lily experienced the attack of the Ruthie-kisses about every da.... minute. FYI- If you get a rice maker and waffle iron for Christmas instead of a box of crayons and paper dolls, that means your unwanted independence is sneaking up. They will be well used, but so would crayons. Someone knew, and I got them in my stocking without even asking for them. Yes! I can still be a kid. And my mom got paper dolls for Christmas from one of her best friends! There is still hope for me, and I have come to the conclusion that I don't have to grow up completely.

We've been playing tons of PIT and Risk, Monopoly, Stratego, Phase 10, etc... The joys of hearing my Dad scream "3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ..." on the top of his lungs is music to my ears. I lost my voice for a while after screaming "1" for a round. Monopoly is my brother's and my unending battle. We are pretty even in our victories, and our strategies are very predictable in both Monopoly and Risk. The Christmas tree is beautiful as always with its 25 year old decorations and the weather outside is wonderful. The rain right now is unwanted, but the past two weeks of 70-80 degree weather is nothing to complain about. I wish I had brought shorts and a bathing suit. Not kidding! I have to soak it up before I return to my winter wonderland of snow ... where I have to slush around, dig out my car with 3 weeks of snow, scrape off the ice, and sit in the unheated interior. The beauty is worth it though.

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