Saturday, December 10, 2005

Classes and a little break with Narnia!

I took my 2nd Greek Exam yesterday. I think it went okay. 3 more to go, and I'm probably going to take those while in Cali over break. I'm in the midst of finals and finishing up classes. I'm really looking forward to being done with these. I have registered for classes!
*2nd Temple Judaism
*Biblical Customs & Geography
*Greek II
It's going to be another heavy load, but probably more enjoyable classes. :) We'll see. My roommate bought tickets to the midnight showing of Narnia. It was GREAT! I don't remember the books too much, but I remember enough to really be excited. My mom read them to me when I was little, and it was exactly how I imagined it would be. I was really pleasantly surprised to see the Gospel in it. When Aslan died, it helped be remember how much it was a gift! Edmund was insignificant and small (and a traitor) in contrast to Aslan, the RULER OF NARNIA! Like me, insignificant and small in contrast to CHRIST, the RULER OF THE WORLD!!!!! Wow, it was pretty humbling and so unexpected to get out of a smash hit movie. It is definitely a must see.

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